Mama Suranya Books in the News

July 2018

Read all about the Mama Suranya Books concept in this wide-ranging interview in the Indian Express: Indian folk art can compete with Peppa Pig

April 2018

The Hindu: Re-imagining folktales

May 2018

A lovely review in The Week: Bridging cultural divide with children’s tales: A mother’s mission

September 2018 Mama Suranya uses tales as tools to teach kids about Indian culture

August 2018

An interview with DJ Sarthak on 104.8 FM:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

July 2018

Interview with popular motherhood blog, First Moms Club (FMC): From Mama to Master Storyteller

June 2018

Talking to Odd Nari (Lallantop) about the Mama Suranya Books contest: Interview with Prerna Pratham Singh

August, 2018

Play Art: A new Indian art based creative app for children

August 2018

A great review from India’s top parenting blog, Books That Help Kids Connect With Indian Culture (Beyond Mythology!)

June 2018

Mint Lounge covers our Play Art app: Play Art: A colouring app rooted in Indian art and culture

April 2018

Mama Suranya Books makes The Mint’s shortlist for summer vacation reads: Summers in Booktopia

June 2018

Indian Express: A host of writers are introducing children to the intricate world of Indian art and artists through colouring and picture books

From the article: “Books today are also boasting of Indian characters. Publishers suggest that through books inspired by India’s iconic trees, birds and animals, its festivals, legends and arts, one should introduce children to the true meaning of India. Many books also feature hands-on activities to engage with children, allowing them to explore their creative side. Mama Suranya Books is a recent independent multilingual publication that uses this idea to connect to children. Says author and publisher Suranya Aiyar, “Reading combines fun and learning for children. It fires their imagination, piques their curiosity and gives them cherished memories. Some characters from the books become friends for life.”” Mind Shapers, The New Indian Express, April 2018.

May 2018

High praise from lifestyle blog The search gets over here

June 2018

A wonderful podcast about Mama Suranya Books and other publications that are trying to bring Indian art to children. Starts at about 7 minutes. You have to install the Indian Express mobile app from Play Store/App Store to get the full podcast: Click here for Podcast